Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hey J,

I have just flown back from Singapore and touched down in Princeton. It was an amazing flight over the frozen tundras of Russia and Alaska, instead of the Ocean, which I'm used to. Frozen rivers that snake across vast, cracked plains. Ice lakes, encircled by white mountains. I'm glad I asked for a window seat.

I just spent a week in Singapore, during my spring break. Just thirty hours ago I was showing pictures of my San Diego visit to my family, including pictures of you juggling stones in Mission beach. Now I'm back in Starbucks in Princeton, back to physics! I'm trying to find a good wavefunction for a fractional topological insulator. It's a new phase of matter theorists are fantasizing about; we still haven't found a realistic material that will realize it, but that doesn't stop anyone from fantasizing.

How was your finals? Are you spending some of your break with the big K? And have you sold your 1000'th cookie yet?



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