Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hunting pack

I think you believe that your ability to end friendships with finality is a strength. Probably you are right. However, I am dismayed at how frequently you end up in a position where you are tempted to finalize friendships; this I see as a weakness. Frequently is of course too harsh. I really mean 'frequently' among your friends whom I like, which puzzles me even more greatly when it happens, and sometimes angers me when I see the emotional repercussions.  

I think it betrays a mismanagement of inter-personal emotions. Insecurities and little misunderstandings which are never addressed accumulate to the point when you say enough. Your tendency to bifurcate is unsettling to me. Partially because I feared for our friendship, but this is a matter of the past (not our friendship, the fear). I am unsettled because you hurt people I like, and then callously look back at your actions with the rationalization that casting them off was the best thing you could have done.  Sometimes, I feel like I'm their silent voice, crying out, stupid Farzan, why did you leave me (this was especially true with Matt)? I feel some emotional responsibility to criticize you, to inspire shame in your actions. How can you feel no shame, when you caused so much pain?

Another element to my frustration is selfish, and this I've conveyed to you before. I wish so much for a hunting pack, but in my pack I have a wolf who in his extreme sensitivity is destructive to pack formation.  

The ideal in human interactions is neither you nor I. He is someone much more subtle, manipulative, deceptive, able to exchange joy with almost anybody, though the color of the joy may change from person to person. In this sense, both of us have failed miserably.


Anonymous XnijljinX said...

Woah, sounds like you're running through a tough patch in your interpersonal relationships, hope everything works out for ya. Anyways, I haven't seen you in way too long, are you planning a return anytime soon? If so, we should definitely meet up and catch up! Cheers.

9:06 AM  

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