Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fake Russian meets Witten

The Fake Russian met Witten today. When I pointed out, 'Isn't that Witten?' He squealed, jumped out of his seat, tripped over his labtop wire, and hastily found a view. He then proceeded to stalk Ed down the hallway, at times gesticulating frantically because he cannot bottle his excitement. It reminded me of when he learned that the sum of all natural numbers is -1/12, and such was his amazement he randomly stopped passersby to spread the good news. It seems he has discovered the free-food emailing list all by himself. So a group of pie-crazy physicists: Stoic, Vase, Faze, Fake Russian and I, left Jadwin for Frist in search of free apple cider and pies. There, I discovered that Halloween is coming - Morgan decided to carve a spider into her pumpkin, while I watched.

Imp's crane trial is a neverending story, to her dismay. She needs some relief, and has decided a weekend trip to Thailand will do it. Nun is receiving mixed messages about Law from Cor and Imps, and who knows, really? I helped Moon tackle her analysis midterm, and found to my surprise that I knew some basic analysis after all. Maybe one day when I finally decide to take an analysis class, I will realize I don't need it.


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