Saturday, July 07, 2012

Imps won her application for arbitration in her first hearing! I hear she had been staying up till 2am most nights to prepare for it. I felt a pang when I heard it from her by email, because I should have been the first to call her and ask how it went, because I felt something of Kundera's compassion - the emotional satisfaction of intense effort bearing fruit. Last week was exciting for me and Imps, because Kelvin asked her to take over the hearing and the pressure she faced placed her on her own trial. It is rumoured that tears of frustration and exhaustion streamed down her face in the morning of her first hearing - she had sat up all night in her chair, an unmoving intellectual giant, so intense in her preparation of arguments and counter-arguments and counter-counter-arguments. Unfortunately, these rumours were imperiously dispelled by the Japan Queen herself.  

 Hi Nun,

That was a moving account - the confessions of a retoucher.

It's ok about Laetitia's personal statement. Perhaps if it becomes too touched up, it becomes unbelievable that any PSLE student can write like that, hehe. Reading that account, I felt like a retoucher myself, but I consoled myself - unlike idealized beauty, a good sentence is a reachable, perhaps even admirable, goal. Moreover, I recommended content changes as well.


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